The Ability Of The Grade X Students At SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung Tiram To Communicate Gratitude

  • Agus Salim Marpaung Institut Agama Islam Daar Al-Ulum (IAIDU) Asahan Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Keywords: The Ability, Students At SMA Negeri 1 Tanjung tiram,To Communicate Gratitude


The study's findings suggest that the conclusion was reached as a result of the students' displays of gratitude. The data analysis using the t-test revealed that the t ratio is greater than the t table, with t ratio = 2.833 > t table=1.992, which led to the conclusion that the students in the experimental class will be encouraged to have intrinsic motivation to learn English well and thoroughly because they receive enough feedback from the works. As a result, their level of learning is higher than the control group's kids' proficiency in expressing thankfulness. The author concludes that since the experimental students receive adequate feedback on their work, they are motivated to learn English. well and with a strong motivation. As a result, their learning outcomes are superior to those of students in the control class' proficiency in expressing gratitude.


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