Quadruple Helix Collaboration: Maggot Edutourism Development as Economic Potential of Sekaran Village, Lamongan Regency
The development of maggot edutourism requires the cooperation of many parties to be carried out. The concept of collaboration between sectors (government, academia, business, society) is the key in driving creativity and innovation in edutourism development. The ideal collaboration is to produce equal interactions and share knowledge. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The research technique was conducted by interview, Forum Group Discussion, study of documentation and observation. The results of this study obtained a form of collaborative collaboration between elements of the Quadruple Helix in Sekaran village in the development of eduwusata maggot. The four helix model is considered effective because it provides a balanced space for all existing stakeholders, especially the community who are often only positioned as objects. Through this model, in addition to creating innovative educational tourism concepts, it is also expected to maximize the potential of the village which has an impact on improving the economy of rural communities.
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