Criminal Act Of Corruption From The Perspective Of Syafi’iyah Thinking And Positive Law Of Indonesia

  • Januddin Januddin STIS Ummul Ayman, Pidie Jaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Coruption; Thinking; Syafi’iyah; positive law


Corruption is an unlawful act of misappropriation of funds, powers, mandates for personal, familial, party and group gains that could prove detrimental for the nation or others. This researcher aims to research corruption from the perspective of Syafi’iyah thinking and positive law of Indonesia. This research employs the method of analysis descriptive. The data was collected through library research. The result of this research shown that, based on the concepts of corruption set by the positive law of Indonesia, corruption from the perspective of Syafi’iyah thinking could be categorized as a criminal act (ma’shiyah), as risywah (bribes), as al-gasysy (fraud), and as khiyanah (betrayal). Threat of legal punishment for corruptors from the perspective of Syafi’iyah thinking could be categorized inside ta’zir law, in which the amount and nature is set by an imam and must not surpassed the law of hadd.


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